Here is where we'll post about any upcoming events or announcements as well as new releases of some exciting things we have coming soon. Stay Tuned and check back often for more information on upcoming classes and workshops. Classes and workshops can be taken in-person or online.
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With Events Coming Up

Cheryl Blunt is another very important Bellezza volunteer. She is teaching some of The Genesis Process classes. These classes help people gain self-confidence through discovering their own self-worth with a biblical and neuro-chemical understanding of why we sometimes self-destruct our own lives. Sign up for one of these classes below and learn how to get your life back on track.
Every Thurs 6:30 PM - 8 PM
Porchin' It
3rd Sunday of every month from
Oasis Church, 12787 HWY 231 431 N, Hazel Green, Al 35750
Every month a different woman gives her testimony of what God has helped her through difficult times. Children are welcome.
Visit the calendar Plug-In above for Event Info
Sign up below for any workshops coming up, if you have any additional questions reach out to bellezzaministries@gmail.com